Monday, May 24, 2010

Birthday plans...

There is something about celebrating a birthday that is just so special.

I was very lucky. My Mum had birthday parties every year for my sister and I when we were little. I now like to follow suit and have a special celebration of the day that my child was brought into our lives.I think the day is deserving of effort and the devotion of my love and attention... I relish in planning and decorating for birthday parties. I also take lots of pleasure in gift giving and start thinking ahead of time what little gift will be perfect. I like to buy something for birthdays that will not just be a passing toy, but something that will get lots of use and hopefully be around for a few years at least.

For Joshua's first birthday we bought him a trike. My husband and I also seperately bought him our favourite childhood novel. He is obviously still too young to read novels now, but 'The Magic Faraway Tree' and 'Tales of a 4th grade nothing' are sitting on his bookshelf waiting to be read one day.

Juliet turns 1 in just over three months, and I decided that I would love to get her a nice wooden dolls pram. One that she could use as a walker as she learned to take her first steps and then one that she would tuck her dolls into as she grew...

I found one online that I loved but was a bit shocked at the $350 price tag... I am very happy to say, that I found this same one on sale locally for $199 on Saturday. So I hurriedly grabbed itm rushed to the counter and secured this little pram for my beautiful girl...

I really hope she likes it as much I do...

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